A love language is a language that a person primarily speaks to express love. There are five love languages: Words of Affection, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

Different people express and receive love in different ways. Some people may feel loved when their partner displays affection verbally, while others may feel loved when their partner does things for them without words.

In this article, we will discuss how to cope when you have a different love language from your partner’s love language.

But first, let’s start with definitions of the five love languages

The 5 Love Language Defined

Words of Affirmation: This person thrives when they hear words of affirmation, such as “you’re beautiful” or “I’m glad you’re mine.” These words let them know that they are valued and loved. Being told these things often makes this person feel happy and satisfied.  

Acts of Service: Someone who primarily expresses love through acts of service will likely feel most loved when their partner takes the time to do things for them, like make them a meal, take the dog out for a walk or do the laundry. 

Receiving Gifts: Someone who primarily expresses love through gifts might feel loved if their partner finds time to take them out for a nice dinner or buy them something special. 

Quality Time: Someone who primarily expresses love through quality time might feel loved if their partner spends time with them, doing things together, and being emotionally and physically affectionate. Quality time can be spent doing anything, as long as it is something that you both enjoy. 

Physical Touch: Someone who primarily communicates through physical touch might feel loved if their partner spends time holding them, cuddling with them, or massaging them.

How to Cope with a Partner Who Has a Different Love Language

There is no right or wrong way to express love to someone, but people often have different love languages. This is based on how they feel most appreciated and loved in a relationship.

Learning to cope with a partner who has a different love language is therefore a better way to keep your relationship alive.

Here are 6 ways to do that: 

First, Know Your Respective Love Languages

When two people are in a relationship, it’s important for both partners to understand each other’s love language in order to avoid any misunderstandings or tension.

For example, if your partner primarily expresses their love through physical touch (for them), then it may be difficult for them to feel loved if they don’t receive that type of attention regularly.

Clearly Express Your Needs

Since your partner has a different love language, they may find it difficult to understand your needs at some moment. It’s therefore important to be aware of your own love language so that you can consistently express your feelings in a way that feels meaningful to your partner.

For example, if you love being held and touched, make sure to let your partner know when you need physical affection and don’t shy away from asking for it.

Speak Your Partner’s Language, Not Yours

Since your partner may not be able to understand words that are not in their love language, it is important to speak in their language. This will help them to better understand your feelings and make communication easier.

Seek for Clarification

If you are not sure whether you understand what your partner is saying, it is advisable to seek clarification. This will help you to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Learn to Compromise

While it may be difficult to understand each other when it comes to expressing love, it is important to try and find common ground. It can be helpful to compromise on how you want your relationship to look and function, so that both parties are happy. This may mean compromising on things like activities or spending time together, but it is worth it if the couple can truly enjoy each other’s company.

Finally, Don’t Let One Love Language Dominate Your Relationship

It’s important to pay attention to the balance of love languages in your relationship, as doing so can help ensure that both parties are getting the love and affirmation they need.

One of the most important things that a relationship can have is balance – ensuring that one love language doesn’t always “win” over the other.

If one’s love language is consistently being ignored or not given enough attention, it can lead to feelings of depletion or even anger in the partner who feels left out or unvalued. 


There are different ways that people express and receive love. Some people may feel loved when their partner displays affection verbally, while others may feel loved when their partner does things for them without words.

If you can find a way to communicate with your partner in a way that they feel comfortable and respected, you will be on the road to a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

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