Pumpkin Farming is done during the rainy season and is popular in India. Here people know it from the name “HalwaKaddu” or “Kaddu” in Hindi. Moreover, the pumpkin comes from the Cucurbitaceae family. India has second place in the worldwide production of pumpkins. We can use it as a vegetable or an essential ingredient for making sweets. Also, it has A and potassium, boosting eye vision, has antioxidant properties and lowers blood pressure. In addition, the leaves, fruit juice, young stems and flowers have medicinal properties.
Temperature for Pumpkin Farming
For better production, farmers can cultivate the pumpkins at a temperature of 25 to 28°C. It can maximise the yield and help in better germination.
Soil for Pumpkin Farming
Pumpkin farming needs loamy soil. In addition, the ground must have a sound drainage system and be rich in organic matter. The optimum pH level for pumpkin farming is from 6 to 7. Also, you should prepare the land for pumpkin farming. Moreover, a tractor and mounted implements are needed for preparing the ground. So, if you are a marginal farmer or can’t buy a new one, you can also buy a used tractor for your farming needs. Buying a used tractor can save your huge investment so that you can use the rest of the amount in further processes.
Popular Varieties
PAU Magaz Kaddoo-1: An average yield of 2.9 QTL/acre
PPH-1: An average yield of 206 QTL/acre
PPH-2: An average yield of 222 QTL/acre
Punjab Samrat: An average yield of 165 QTL/acre
CO 2: An average yield of 100 QTL/acre
TCR 011
Land Preparation
You have to prepare the land correctly for pumpkin farming. For bringing the land to an adequate tilth level, you should plough the ground with the help of tractors and farm implements, including plough, rotavators, harrows, cultivators, etc.
Sow the seeds in the month of February-March and June-July by keeping the space of 60cm. For hybrid varieties, sow seeds at a distance of 45cm. Keep the depth of 1 inch deep in the ground. And direct sowing is suitable for pumpkin farming. In addition, sowing can be more easy and quick with the help of farming implements. So, use them for making more efficient work.
Sow 1 Kg of seeds in one acre of land. Also, give a treatment with Bavistin @ 2.5 gm/kg of seed to keep the crop free from diseases.
Weed Control
Apply frequent weeding and earthing up operations to control the weeds. You can complete weeding operations by hand or with the help of a hoe. Moreover, apply first weeding after 2-3 weeks of sowing. And 3 to 4 weeding are suitable for pumpkin farming.
You have to apply proper irrigation at a proper time, including immediate irrigation after sowing. Apply water at an interval of 6 to 7 days, depending upon the season. For example, give 8 to 10 irrigation for pumpkin farming.
Plant Protection
Aphids and Thrips: Spray with Thiamethoxam @ 5gm/15Ltr of water
Pumpkin flies: Foliar application of Neem oil @ 3.0%
Powdery mildew: Spray of water-soluble Sulphur @ 20gm per 10Ltr of water
Downy mildew: Apply Dithane M-45 or Dithane Z-78 @ 400gm
Anthracnose: Spray with Carbendazim @ 3gm or Mancozeb @ 2gm/litre of water
Wilt: Drenching with M-45 @ 400gm per 100ltr of water
When the fruit’s skin turns pale brown, its inner flesh becomes golden yellow. It is a sign that the crop is ready to harvest. Due to the excellent storage capacity of mature pumpkin fruits, they can be transported to a long-distance market. Farmers can also harvest immature fruits for market purposes.
Seed Production
You should keep the isolation distance around 1000m for the foundation, and for certified seed production, the space must be about 500m from other pumpkin varieties. In addition, when fruits get maturity, they become dull in colour. Then you can crush them into the water by hand and separate the pulp from the seeds. Finally, heavy seeds are set down in the water, and you can collect them for further use.
So, it is all for pumpkin farming. I hope you love it and can use it for maximising your farming output. For further crops, stay with our website.