
Methods to Save Monuments From Air Pollution

Pollution has affected all walks of human life. Let it be our health, climate, lifestyle or the quality of air we breathe in. Another threat that increasing pollution poses is the destruction of important landmarks and monuments. Bad air quality effects and corrodes monuments that are not only our historical assets but great pieces of art. Although the best way to save our monuments and tha planet is to reduce waste and work on an eco-friendly lifestyle. Yet there are ways which can help us protect our monuments from corrosion and destruction caused by poor air quality and acid rains.

Understanding the impact

The foremost step towards solving a problem is to understand the nature of the problem. Monuments are not just art pieces but historical and cultural treasures to us. These monuments not just include some vintage buildings and sculptures, rather they are sometimes our most important memoirs. The Custom Headstone Design engraved with memoirs of people we have lost are monuments as well. Understand that industrial waste gasses like carbon-monoxide, nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide can cause these monuments to corrode, discolor and break their structure. Dust in air causes physical abrasion and darkening of the surface as well. These impacts destroy these monuments over longer periods of time completely.

Preventative measure

Preventive measures are essential to minimize the exposure of these monuments to pollutants. Applying protective coating on regular bases to such landmarks can protect them against toxins. These coatings can be made from water repellent materials and specialized chemicals.  Another preventive measure is regular cleaning and upkeep of these monuments. Regular cleaning keeps air pollutants away and gives these objects a longer life. The best preventive measure is to plant trees around these monuments, which will help reduce the pollution in their surrounding air.

Innovation and technology

Modern technologies like air purification systems and water softener installation play a great role in reducing the effects of pollution. These systems help reduce the concentration of pollutants in both air and water around these monuments. Nanomaterials can also be used to develop advanced protective coating and thus help avoid pollutant impacts and harmful growths. Developing chemical sensors that identify any ongoing corrosion, discoloration and chemical changes is a great way to stay informed and take timely action for protection of these monuments.

New policies

The major cause of pollution is the state policies that support and endorse industries that are producing such harmful toxins. In order to nip the evil in the bud a change of policies is required. New policies should be made about major environmental concerns like usage of plastic, and air emission from industries. The air coming out from industries should be treated well enough to reduce the traces of carbon monoxide and other harmful chemicals in that air. Urban planning should be done in ways so that industries can be planted away from such monuments.


Pollution is a global threat and should be dealt with asd such. No state or city can get rid of  pollution if collaborative measures are not taken worldwide in this regard. International institutions like the UN should hold meetings and do policy making on a global level to prevent further pollution. Eco-friendly measures should be taken on collective levels to ensure the safety of both these monuments and our planet on the whole.

With due diligence and preventive measures these crucial pieces of history can be both protected and preserved. Careless environmental attitudes should be avoided in personal capacities as well as on community levels. Planting trees should be everyones’ top priority right now. If this is done alot from cultural and historical monuments can be saved for future generations. Go green!

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